Lockdown and I
Written by Aji’s Maker Shiro Moktan
Shiro Moktan at her home in Kathmandu. She shared her story on Aji’s Podcast recently.
“Lockdown”…a word that I do not think has ever been met with such a multitude of emotions. A word which millions are having to deal with and in helplessness, frustration, fear and hope. So how are we doing?
I am personally not really adversely affected and I do not mean to sound uncaring. Being a senior person and with a lifestyle that is pretty isolated….by choice…seems to have worked to my advantage. Not being able to socialize does not depress me and staying at home is normal. I turned 69 a couple of days ago and am more attuned to the self now. Many women of the similar age group might comprehend the slight overreaction to an ‘order’ which says ‘stay at home’. Social life for us has begun to be tempered down and a quietness and stillness begins to creep in. For those of us who are retired and grandmothers, our priorities have changed. This however does not mean that growing older means we retire from life but begin to take charge of our lives and live the way we wish to. Time is the most valuable thing each of us has. This is free time! It's a great adventure, if I choose to make it so. I so choose.
“Reframe “I am stuck inside” to “I can finally focus on my home and myself.””
Books and plants at Shiro’s home. Nanglo Plant Hanger in the picture is one of Shiro’s many creations.
It is a hard time and I cannot even begin to imagine how difficult it is for so many younger women with jobs and children but complaining about it is not going to change anything. Reframe “I am stuck inside” to “I can finally focus on my home and myself.” How many times while working and meeting deadlines have we said “How I wish I could just spend time at home”. Now it's time to stay home to be safe. Many are working from home which means more time with the family and what fun to not rush to get dressed and commute to work….work in your pyjamas in your own home. Those who cannot work from home are free to catch up on all the cleaning, cooking, gardening, trying new recipes, putting away your winter clothes and getting your wardrobe ready for summer.
Anxiety, depression and even anger makes the days seem longer. The elderly who live away from their families are scared and lonely. Hugs and kisses suddenly become weapons and not visiting parents and friends becomes an act of love. Suddenly you realize power and money are worthless. The world continues its beautiful life but it has put humans in cages. So lets start a new quarantine ritual within the walls which is home. Today, breathe. Listen behind the factory noises of your panic. The birds are singing again. The sky is clearing. Spring is coming.
“Suddenly you realize power and money are worthless. The world continues its beautiful life but it has put humans in cages.”
More plants at Shiro’s home. Dori Plant Hanger.
I have always enjoyed solitude. Isolation does not have to be lonely. Being 69 years old, diabetic, have high blood pressure, have anxiety attacks and have had a hip replacement…thus a person at ‘high risk’ of being infected. So I keep myself safe by social distancing, avoiding crowded places and just staying at home. Not a difficult situation for me as that has always been my lifestyle. My day is busy and satisfying. I am not an early riser and I sleep pretty late at night. Coffee to wake me up, a small breakfast while catching up on news and messages and then my plants need to be looked after…they are my babies! I work out every day for an hour, a daily ritual which keeps me fit and the endorphins work their magic so I am addicted to it. I do not leave the house but work out at home and have done so for years. This is something which I would advise all women, especially the elderly and wise, to do regularly. Many go for walks but now is not the time to leave the house. Yoga is popular among many but not for me. So anything that makes the body move is absolutely necessary. I always have some project at hand or in my mind and the day passes being creative and productive. Netflix has made my evenings really interesting so bless you! That is my regular day lockdown or not. No time to pine for social gatherings or shopping or eating out.
“The Earth seems to be admonishing us and sending us to our rooms as punishment for destroying its forests, poisoning its waters and polluting the air.”
Growing older has made me more aware of life and its idiosyncrasies. Not being a religious person has widened my perception of the universe. Living is about being thankful and respectful. The pain and fear around us now makes me aware that we have behaved very badly and nature is stepping in to clean up. The Earth seems to be admonishing us and sending us to our rooms as punishment for destroying its forests, poisoning its waters and polluting the air. Someone has rightly written, “It's sending us a message: You are not necessary. The air, earth, water and sky without you are fine. When you come back, remember that you are my guests, Not my masters.”
Shiro is a 69 years old independent woman who is an Aji’s maker and has shared her story on Aji’s Podcast. If you are interested in online exercise resources, please a comment below and Shiro is happy to share. Also, please share in the comments below about how you’re coping with the Covid-19 lockdown.