Needles & Wool Workshop at Nirmal Batika Academy taught by Aji’s Makers
Aji’s makers along with students from Nirmal Batika Academy and Aji’s Co-founder Lorina.
On September 12, 2019 we organized our very first knitting and crocheting workshop at Nirmal Batika Academy in Kathmandu taught by the skillful makers of Aji’s community. We had 74 year old Nina Pathak, 73 year old Sushila Sthapit, 64 year old Ram Pyari Shrestha, and 58 year old Shakuntala Rana teach 25 girls and boys from grade 7 and 8. This event was made possible by a generous grant we received from IFAD Staff Help Fund for which we are very grateful!
Students showing off their creations.
During the two hour session the boys and girls learned the proper way to hold the needles, how to make chain patterns and danglers, and other basics of the craft. For the kids, It was the first time they had held a needle. By the end of the program, they were already curious to learn the next steps! For our elderly makers, it was a joy to pass their skills on to the younger generation. “This will definitely generate their interest in knitting and crocheting. We learned from our grandmothers and mothers, now we get to teach our grandchildren and hopefully they will remember it to teach theirs,” said Sushila Sthapit.
On the left, Aji’s Maker Shakuntala Rana, on the right, Aji’s Maker Sushila Sthapit teaching young students.
Knitting and crocheting is still seen as a feminine pursuit in Nepal. We encouraged the boys in the group to break the stereotype and learn this craft. “I will go home and ask my grandma to teach more,” said one of the boys.
We have more similar workshops planned. Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to hear about it!
Photos by Robic Upadhyay. More images from the event below.