How can elders be involved with Aji’s?
Live #AskAnAji session with Aji's makers — with Jagat Ratna Tuladhar, 86, Champa Devi Tuladhar, 76, Sushila Sthapit, 73 and Ram Maya Maharjan, 66 at Maitidevi, Kathmandu.
We have received many messages asking how one can involve their parents and grandparents with Aji’s. So we thought we’d lay it out for you in this post.
Aji’s mission is to empower the elderly to live healthy and happy lives by providing a platform to showcase their skills and knowledge. Here are 4 ways to get involved:
Participate in #AskAnAji Campaign: #AskAnAji campaign is designed to foster inter-generational exchange and to share and preserve the knowledge and wisdom of the elderly. Anyone, anywhere in the world can ask any question with #AskAnAji and we collect answers from our community of elders and post it online for everyone to read and watch . Here are some examples of recent posts. We also have #AskAnAji live sessions and video. You can check out the videos on our Youtube. You can sign them up to be #AskAnAji council members here.
Share life stories on Aji’s Podcast: Through Aji’s Podcast we document the stories and legacy of the elderly community in Nepal. Each episode features an elderly person’s extraordinary life story and personal journey that can inspire the younger generation. Podcasts are recorded in Nepali, Newari, and English. Aji’s Podcast is available on YouTube, Apple Podcast, Spotify, and Google Podcast. You can sign-up to be a guest on the podcast by filling out this form.
Contribute to Aji’s blog: Through Aji’s blog we showcase and preserve the stories, experiences and perspectives of the elderly. The elderly can share their perspectives themselves like Shiro Moktan has done with the article ‘Seen it all, done it all, heard it all’ or the children and grandchildren can contribute lifestories or profiles of their parents and grandparents like Bibiana Vasquez has done through ‘My aji, mi abuela Gabriela, our most valuable treasure’. If you have an article that you would like to contribute, please send us an email at
Make and sell products with Aji’s: If your parent or grandparent is 58 years and above and is a maker i.e. has the skills to make any product herself or himself, you can sign them up here. You can learn about our makers like Juju Ratna Tamrakar (70 yrs), Champa Devi Tuladhar (76 yrs), and Ram Maya Maharjan (66 yrs) here and the products they make here. Currently we are focused only on non-food products but that may change in the future. You can fill this form to sign-up.
To stay up to date with our activities and to help us achieve our mission, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and subscribe to email list.
We are all #MadeByElderly.