
Aji's is a social enterprise that empowers elders to live healthy and happy lives by providing a platform to showcase their skills and knowledge.

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#22 - Madan Krishna Shrestha, 71 years old - Comedian, Actor, Singer and Author [Nepali]

Madan Krishna Shrestha is one of the most well known personalities in Nepal. He is a comedian, actor, singer and author. His autobiography Mahako Ma is a national best seller. In this episode of Aji's Podcast, Madan Krishna shares about the wisdom he acquired from his grandparents, his journey into discovering the art of making people laugh, his love for singing, the tragedy of losing his beloved wife to cancer and the joy of singing with his daughter Sarana. We also have exclusive conversation with the father daughter duo and them singing their favorite tune, Pani Chaya. Madan Krishna is fighting Parkinson's disease but that has not stopped him from performing and bringing laughter and cheer in people's lives.

This episode with Madan Krishna Shrestha was recorded on 31 March at his home in Sunakothi, Kathmandu by Aji’s Podcast host Lorina Sthapit. The interview was conducted maintaining physical distance. A big thank you to the Panchakanya Foundation for supporting this video edition of Aji's Podcast.

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